Course Details
Qualification Type
BTEC (Tech Award)
What Will I Study?
You will develop your understanding of different types of music products and the techniques used to create them. You will explore how musical elements, technology and other resources are used in the creation, production and performance of music. You will also practically explore the key features of different styles of music and music theory and apply your knowledge and understanding to developing your own creative work.
Future Qualification Ideas
Level 3 BTEC in Music Practice or Music Performance
A Level Music
Future Careers Ideas
Composer, Music Journalism, Music Production, Music Producer, Music Therapy, Musician, Songwriter
Awarding Body
How Will I Learn?
You will participate in workshops and classes where you will develop technical, practical, personal and professional skills and specialise in at least two of the following areas: music performance, creating original music, music production. Throughout your development, you will review your progress and consider how to make improvements. You will learn how musicians share their work and collaborate with others, Using relevant resources, skills and techniques you will then develop and refine musical material before presenting your final response.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Component 1 � Exploring Music Products and style (Internally assessed)�
Component 2 - Music Skills Development (Internally assessed)�
Component 3 � Responding to a Music Brief (Externally assessed)�
What skills / attributes are required for this course?
Confident performing to an audience
Passion for performance and composition
Reliability to meet deadlines
Communication skills
Contact Information
Mr T Simpson (