Performing Arts
The Performing Arts
Wombourne High School has a strong tradition of acclaimed drama productions and has successfully participated in the Shakespeare Schools Festival for many years. Visits to theatres are frequently organised and students also have access to the production and technical side of the subject through our theatre standard facilities. Music is an important part of school life and talented musicians have a wealth of opportunities to perform. Students who wish to learn or continue to play a musical instrument can have lessons from one of our instrumental team. The school has an excellent reputation for Art and the annual Art Exhibition has been very well received. Students have the opportunity to visit galleries and exhibitions as well as going out into the community to seek inspiration and ideas for their own work. Opportunities within the Arts are being further developed through the Trust. In addition to having the chance to perform and attend workshops in other schools, high quality experiences are also available. For example, The Invictus Choir has performed at the Royal Albert and Symphony Halls as well as local venues.
We have outstanding opportunities for all students to build their confidence, develop their creativity and acquire skills such as working as part of a team, effective communication and organising events. For those who are particularly talented in music, drama, and art we offer even greater opportunities to develop and explore their talents.
As part of our commitment to ensuring each child can achieve their best, we seek to provide a rounded educational experience.
We believe that a strong and vibrant Arts presence is essential to the soul, spirit and culture of a school, as well as ensuring that our young people are prepared for the future and have the knowledge and experience to live a healthy and rewarding life.
We offer a clear policy of “Arts for all”, striving for standards of excellence in the areas of Music, Drama and Art. Over and above this however, there is a commitment to use the Arts to enrich and enhance the whole school curriculum with the use of
the Arts as a tool for learning and the development of creativity across the curriculum.
Oliver 2018​
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 2017​
Performing Arts within Invictus Education Trust
Wombourne High School is part of the Invictus Choir who have performed in venues across the UK and Germany as well as part of the BBC proms at the Royal Albert Hall. Last year our tour of Germany surpassed everyone’s expectations and was received with acclaim wherever the choir performed. The Invictus Choir has an ethos of inclusivity, but at the same time seeks to be an elite opportunity.
The Invictus Dance Company was also recently involved with a production of Rosie Kays 5 soldiers. This was a fabulous show at the Forest Arts Centre in Walsall.
Rock Bands from across the Trust are featured on a bimonthly basis at the River Rooms in Stourbridge. This provides bands with a fabulous opportunity to perform on a large professional stage.
Lastly, but by no means least, we are also running the Big Strings Project. This is led by the Head of Strings from Birmingham Music Service. The BSP provides free string tuition for all Invictus students. Students are provided with a free instrument and senior players regularly attend National Youth Orchestra training weekends and perform at several concerts, most notably at Christmas time at Dudley town hall.
Invictus Performing Arts have created an atmosphere where the arts are thriving and is ever growing!