English Language & Literature
Course Details
Qualification Type
GCSE (x2)
What Will I Study?
English Language enables you to become a detective where you look for clues, hints and techniques that writers have to use to engage and interest you in a range of fiction and non-fiction from the 19th to 21st century. It also allows you to have creative license and the freedom to express your views and ideas when writing for a range of purposes and audiences, in a variety of formats. You are also given the opportunity to present your point of view, where you share your passions, interests and voice your perspective on a range of topics.
English Literature gives you the opportunity to explore a range of texts that ask you to consider how you should treat your King, daughter and fellow members of society. They ask you to decide if you believe in love at first sight, or if you think all actions have consequences. You will also evaluate the impact of conflicts on soldiers, parents and leaders. You will be given the chance to become your very own writing critic of a range of texts from Shakespeare through to the current day and includes a range of drama such as �An Inspector Calls�, prose, such as �A Christmas Carol� and poetry, including unseen texts, from Wordsworth to Duffy.
Future Qualification Ideas
A Level English Literature
A Level English Language and Literature
A Level Media or Film Studies
Future Careers Ideas
Most careers will require a good level of English, including:
Business, Education, Journalism, Law, Marketing, Politics, Public Service
Awarding Body
AQA (Language) & AQA (Literature)
How Will I Learn?
You will be taught these courses over two years. The course will be taught using a range of literary texts and unseen material, incorporating both non fiction and fictional aspects, which will teach you to become more inquisitive, analytical, critical and creative.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Language Paper 1 � Explorations in creative writing and reading, 1 hour 45 minutes (50%)
Language Paper 2 � Writers viewpoints and perspectives, 1 hour 45 minutes (50%)
Literature Paper 1 � Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel, 1 hour 45 minutes (40%)
Literature Paper 2 � Modern Texts and Poetry, 2 hours 15 minutes (60%)
What skills / attributes are required for this course?
Demonstrating subject knowledge
Showing understanding through explanation and analysis
Evaluating interpretations
Analysing sources and texts
Contact Information
Miss S Dalton (SDalton@wombournehighschool.co.uk)