Course Details
Qualification Type
Cambride National
What Will I Study?
Engineering is everywhere. Look out of the window and you�ll probably see something that�s been engineered. It�s fundamental to our modern economy and key to driving change and innovation. The Cambridge Nationals in Engineering reflect this and provide students with a solid foundation for understanding and applying this subject in their future working lives.
Future Qualification Ideas
A Level Design & Technology
Level 3 BTEC in Construction or Engineering
Future Careers Ideas
Construction, Creative Industry, Engineering (civil, mechanical, aerospace), Product Design
Awarding Body
How Will I Learn?
Engineering Design is a process used to develop and enhance new products and systems as a response to market opportunities. This qualification is an opportunity for students to develop a design specification and study the processes involved in designing new engineered products. Students will use practical skills such as engineered drawing, computer modelling (CAD) and model making to communicate design ideas. The qualification will also encourage them to consult with a client and, with its practical focus, will engage them in producing, testing and evaluating a prototype in the form of a model. This is a structured course were every student follows the same brief.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Written Examination - R038: Principles of Engineering Design . 1 hour 15 minutes (40%)
Coursework Unit - R039: Communicating Designs. 10-12 hours (30%)
Coursework Unit - R040: Design, Evaluation and Modelling. 10-12 hours (30%)
Note: The exam has to be taken after the 2 coursework units have been submitted and no coursework units can be re-submitted. If a student fails to hand in their coursework, they would need to recomplete the whole assessment again using a different brief (product focus).
What skills / attributes are required for this course?
Problem solving
Demonstrate subject knowledge
Meeting deadlines
Contact Information
Miss J Perry (