Creative iMedia
Course Details
Qualification Type
Cambride National
What Will I Study?
Digital Media is a key part of many areas of our everyday lives and vital to the UK economy. Production of digital media products is a requirement of almost every business so there is huge demand for a skilled and digitally literate workforce. This qualification will help you develop specific and transferable skills such as research, planning and review, working with others and communicating creative concepts. The qualification�s hands-on approach has strong relevance to the way young people use the technology required in creative media.
Future Qualification Ideas
Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Digital Media
A Level or Level 3 qualification in ICT
Future Careers Ideas
App Development, Computer Games Developer, Digital Content Creation, Information Communication Technology, Web Designer
Awarding Body
How Will I Learn?
The mandatory units of �Creative iMedia in the Media Industry� and �Visual Identity and Digital Graphics� underpin the qualification and reflect key industry skills. The �Creative iMedia in the Media Industry� unit is assessed through an examination and contributes 40% of the marks for the Certificate size qualification. The range of optional units cover different media disciplines allowing you a course that will motivate you, appeal to range of learning styles and allow you to demonstrate their ability and passion. Each optional unit is assessed through a practical task-based assessment with set-tasks to support you in producing assessment evidence.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Written Examination - Pre-Production Skills. 1 hour 30 minutes (40%)
Compulsory Coursework Unit - Visual Identity and Digital Graphics. (25%)
One Optional Coursework Unit. (35%)
What skills / attributes are required for this course?
Basic ICT Skills
Contact Information
Mr A Gubby (