Wombourne High School GCSE Results- Headteacher, Gemma Smith
A huge congratulations to Wombourne High School GCSE Students, they worked incredibly hard towards their GCSE qualifications and we are incredibly proud of them. This year group is marked by qualities of kindness, compassion and empathy that are not rewarded by a certificate but are no less valuable than their amazing academic achievements. 86% of students have achieved a grade 4 or higher in at least five subjects, with 45% achieving at least one grade 7+.
There are many students who stand out, these include Phoebe Bradshaw-Corner, Alexander Colley, Ella Flavell, Charlie Hall, Aidan McTighe, Olivia Potts, Louis Powell and James Williams for gaining 10 or more GCSE at grade 7 and above. Louis Powell achieved eight GCSEs at Grade 9 and Sophie Thomas six GCSEs at Grade 9. Grade 9s were also achieved in abundance for Aidan (5), Phoebe (5), Charlie (5), Mia Hobbs (4) and Thea Hobbs (3). The highest levels of progress was seen in the excellent results achieved by Joshua Stevens, Isabel Jakeways and Megan Jenkins.
Congratulations to all our fantastic students.
More than any other year, these figures are provisional, all schools received communication late on Wednesday 19th August effectively recalling the BTEC results, when these results are re released, all of the above figures are likely to increase.