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Careers Education


A successful career allows financial independence, security, a sense of purpose and allows an individual to lead a healthy and happy life.


The attainment of qualifications and the development of skills by students at Wombourne High School allows entry into a vast array of careers.


In addition, the aim of the careers education programme at Wombourne is to allow students to explore the many opportunities available to them, to understand the different skills and qualifications they need, and to inspire students to work towards career goals that align with their passions and interests.


At Wombourne High School we understand that students entering the workplace over the next few years are likely to change career paths much more frequently than previous generations.  We also understand that many skills that employers need are in emerging technologies.  We therefore seek to develop as many skills in our young people as possible, to widen their horizons to the pace of change, and to make them adaptable young people, quickly able to pick up new concepts.


Every successful individual of working age will have a message to share about gaining employment, the development of skills, unusual pathways into careers, and what it is like to undertake different roles.  At Wombourne we therefore aim to create an environment whereby conversations about careers are regularly facilitated, either from the staff within the school, or visitors to the school, or with people students encounter on trips and visits.  All staff at Wombourne High School are encouraged to display their career history and insights into work on outside of their classrooms.


Students in Year 10 and 12 benefit from a work experience programme in the summer term, where students are given the opportunity to experience careers education in the workplace.

Students in Year 10 also benefit from the school’s unique interview project.  Working with employers and members of the local community students apply for a virtual job, they write a covering letter and CV, and are then interviewed for the virtual role by visitors to the school.  A unique way for students to develop the skills needed to be successful in obtaining posts later in life, and also a unique opportunity for students to be given feedback on their presentation skills.


Wombourne High School is committed to using the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure the careers advice offered to students is of a high quality.  The Gatsby Benchmarks were established through the work of Sir John Holman in 2013, who undertook extensive study in the UK and abroad on what constituted good practice.  Through his work the eight benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme

  2. Learning from career and labour market information

  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  5. Encounters with employers and employees

  6. Experiences of workplaces

  7. Encounters with further and high education

  8. Personal guidance


Useful Resources


The following links have useful information for school leavers:


Useful Information for School Leavers









We Offer:


The careers education programme at Wombourne High School has the following structure


Year 7


Careers Education                                                                                                                                         Timing of Event


Personal Career interest Review & Goals                                                                                          Term 1 C4L


Personal interests career profile developed by use of IT software                                       Term 1 ICT


Work Roles & Aspirations                                                                                                                            Term 1 C4L


2 lessons a year in every subject which are career related                                                        Throughout the year


4 Career Assemblies with outside speakers                                                                                      Throughout the year



Year 8


Careers Education                                                                                                                                         Timing of Event


Identify & Personal Characteristics                                                                                                        Term 1 C4L


Careers & Employment                                                                                                                                  Term 1 C4L

Enterprise                                                                                                                                                              Term 1 C4L


Year 8 student receptionist opportunities                                                                                           Throughout the year


Invictus Communication                                                                                                                                Term 2 English


2 lessons a year in every subject which are career related                                                         Throughout the year

4 Career Assemblies with outside speakersThroughout the year



Year 9


Careers Education                                                                                                                                          Timing of Event


Aspirations – Ambitions                                                                                                                                 Term 1 C4L


Future Choices                                                                                                                                                    Term 1 C4L


Soft Skills in the workplace                                                                                                                            Term 1 C4L


Choices – Advice & Guidance                                                                                                                      Term 1 C4L


2 lessons a year in every subject which are career related                                                          Throughout the year


4 Career Assemblies with outside speakers                                                                                        Throughout the year



Year 10


4 Career Assemblies with outside speakers                                                                                         Throughout the year


Careers Education                                                                                                                                             Timing of Event


Career Fair                                                                                                                                                              Term 2

CV and cover letter writing                                                                                                                             Term 3

Interview Project                                                                                                                                                  Term 3


Work Experience                                                                                                                                                  Term 3


2 lessons a year in every subject which are career related                                                            Throughout the year



Year 11


4 Career Assemblies with visitors                                                                                                                Throughout the year


Careers Education                                                                                                                                               Timing of Event


Individual careers meeting with AWO                                                                                                        Term 1 and 2


Support with college applications (AWO)                                                                                                  Term 2 & 3


SEN Career Workshop from Department of Work and Pensions                                                Term 1


2 lessons a year in every subject which are career related                                                               Throughout the year


Assemblies from Post 16 providers                                                                                                               Throughout the year



Year 12


Careers Education                                                                                                                                                  Timing of Event


University guest speakers                                                                                                                                    Throughout the year


Apprenticeship Show                                                                                                                                              Term 1


UCAS Convention                                                                                                                                                     Term 3


UCAS Parent Information Evening                                                                                                                   Term 3


University Residential Visit                                                                                                                                  Term 3


UniFrog Support                                                                                                                                                         Tutor Time throughout the year

Work Experience                                                                                                                                                         Term 3


Futures Day                                                                                                                                                                    Term 2


Post 18 Options Convention (Halesowen)                                                                                                    Term 3


Bespoke mock interviews                                                                                                                                       Throughout the year


English Speaking Board Qualification                                                                                                              Term 3



Year 13


Careers Education                                                                                                                                                    Timing of Event


University Guest Speakers                                                                                                                                    Throughout the year


Apprenticeship Show                                                                                                                                                Term 1


Bespoke mock interviews                                                                                                                                       Throughout the year


Student Finance Parents Information Evening                                                                                           Term 3


UniFrog Support                                                                                                                                                          Throughout the year

Useful Links:- 


Careers & Raising Aspirations

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